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Sunday, 26 April 2015

Three Questions You Should Ask Yourself Everyday

Those of you that know me know that I love questions. I've said it many times: “Most people are looking for the right answers. I'm still looking for the right question.”

In my search for better questions, I've found three important ones to ask ourselves every day. These three questions can help us growth hack our lives. 

What have I learned today?

Not all learners are leaders, but all leaders are learners.

Our minds are our most precious resource. What we learn and how we use those new tools enables our success. Take time each day to ask yourself, “what have I learned today?” Reach out and make a true effort to expand your knowledge. You never know when that new information will come in handy. Remember, if we aren't learning we aren't growing.

Have I added value to the people around me?

We are elevators. we can either lift up the people around us or we can put them down. We should actively seek to build up our teams, our neighbors, our communities. None of us are going to change the world tomorrow. Change on this scale takes a dedicated effort every day to add to the lives of those around us.

Ask yourself at the end of the day, “Have I added value to those around me?” Don't be a leaner, be a lifter.

What were my successes?

We are our own worst saboteur. Self doubt, mind reading, and self hate work to prevent us from reaching our best selves. This train is extremely easy to ride with out even realizing unless we actively stop from stepping on. We tend to focus on our failures. The ways we could have done something better. This thinking is toxic.

Reminding ourselves what we got right is the best antidote. Reflect each evening by asking yourself this question. “What were my successes”. Remember to give yourself the credit you deserve. Even if it is just celebrating that you brushed your teeth today.

Three a day helps us get better every day

These three questions don't seem like much. However, ensuring we ask them every day helps us live our lives a little better than yesterday. Self defeat is our biggest enemy and we can combat it by self-reflection. Reminding ourselves what we've learned, how we've added to the people around us, and how we've succeed brings us just a little closer to the best version of ourselves

- Article by James Greenway (@NerdCred on Twitter)

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