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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Don't Forget to Be Human

Be a human.

You're not a robot. You're not an automaton. You're not superman.

You are a human.

We forget this simple fact everyday. We strive for perfection. Fight tooth and nail to be the absolute best, to succeed, to not let others down, to not fail. We redouble our efforts whenever we fill the threat of failure looming.

We're constantly juggling plates, ensuring they spin in perfect rhythm. Well, not perfect but we make sure they're spinning in unison. Well, not really. At this point we just want them to spin. Actually, we don't care if they're spinning. Just a long as they stay up.

You're stressed, but you keep pushing forward because you're strong. You double up your effort and keep pushing. Everything is going smoothly, it just take a bit more effort. Then it gets harder, failure is looming. You keep pushing forward because you're strong. You double up your effort again and you keep pushing. You're back on track, until you're walking the edge once more.

But you're strong. You double up your effort for a third time. Suddenly, you're using double, triple, or even quadruple the effort just to keep your life moving. You're no longer growing, you're no longer moving forward, you're just a hamster spinning your wheels.

You need a break. You need help. But you won't admit it because you're strong. You've finally fallen into a trap.

You've forgotten you were human.

I'm going to let you in on a secret.

You're allowed to ask for help. You're allowed to spread the work around.

We don't have to be Superman or Wonder Woman. We're not robots. Yet time and time again we act like we are. This is how depression strikes. This is how we become beat down and learn to hate life. 

Life is for enjoyment. Life is about happiness, connections, and building something. 

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